Reference Intelligence Layers
The reference intelligence layers give access to common mapping layers, such as county lines and names, major roads (interstates and highways), minor roads including streets and the Public Land Survey (townships, sections) where available. These layers, located in the Other layer category, can be used for location reference and the public land survey and county layers can be searched in the Search area. We have also added the Quarter Section and Quarter Section Quarters layer, which are not official surveyed lines but a great layer for locating within sections and quarter sections.

The Counties layer displays the county extents and the county name, U.S. only. The county layer can be searched in the Search panel under the Address Tab.

Major and Minor Roads
The Major Roads layer shows paved highways that include the U.S. Interstate system, U.S. and Canadian highways (blue colored with labels), and state or province designated highways (white with double brown borders with labels). The Minor Roads layer shows all county designated roads, paved and unpaved, and other paved and unpaved roads including streets. The Minor Roads are represented by a single red line with appropriate labeling.

Township Names
Where available, the Township Names layer shows the designated township name. Also available in Canada.

Where available, the Township Names layer shows the designated township name. Also available in Canada.

Where available and based on the Public Land Survey, the section extents are shown with a black outline and appropriate section labels. Individual sections can be searched in the Search panel under the Legal tab. Also available in Canada.

Quarter Sections, Quarter Sections Quarters
The Quarter Sections and Quarter Sections Quarters layers, which are not official surveyed lines, are used primarily for identification of the four quadrants within a section and quarter section respectively. They are represented by black dashed lines with NW, NE, SE or SW labels. Also available in Canada.